
A brand that did not reflect the company’s activities, values and philosophy. An area of activity that is completely unrelated to the services provided by the company is incorrectly identified by customers.


A new brand logo and brandbook have been created, which describes the idea of the brand and the ways in which the elements of the brand are used.



The “character” of the brand has changed, making it easy and clear to identify the business. An emotionally and visually appealing logo is a representative image of the company.

Creating a company image


We believe that only through an open discussion can we achieve the ambitious goals we have set ourselves and high-quality, mutually satisfactory results. Together with the client we have addressed these challenges:

  • The Falko Group brand had a misleading logo. For this reason, although a personnel  company, the audience has often identified Falko Group as a brand of an airline or a security company.
  • The face of the brand did not reflect the scope of the business, did not resonate with the vision of potential customers.
  • Falko Group’s values, philosophy and target audience were not defined.
  • Marketing strategy was created without a visual identity.


After analyzing the market, trends and competitors, we have created a modern, timeless design logo and all the matching graphic material. Also:

  • We defined the company’s distinctiveness, mission and purpose.
  • We have created a new slogan.
  • We introduced a new logo that reflects the company and its activities.
  • We have created designs and examples for the company’s representation for business cards, car design, envelopes, forms and more.
  • We have created a Brandbook that contains everything that is characteristic to the Falko Group.
  • We fulfilled the visual style of social media.